Friday, January 27, 2017

Pocket Wifi To The Rescue!

On our first trip to Japan, we purchased an International plan through our wireless carrier.  This allowed for a certain number of text messages for each phone, along with a maximum amount of data.  Each hotel we stayed at offered free Wifi, but we were hardly at our hotel and needed to look places up on the internet as we were navigating through the busy streets of Tokyo.  We also had to stick together as a group, which left little freedom to spend roaming around certain sites that we found interesting.

Before our next trip to Tokyo, a friend of mine told me about a Pocket Wifi that we could rent from Japan wireless online:

The sites offer 3 different products.  (I've noticed that they have already updated their devices in one year!)  I simply chose the basic model and typed in my hotel information.  I ordered the Pocket Wifi for the night we arrived at the hotel.  When I checked in, the front desk had my envelope ready and presented me with my Pocket Wifi and battery pack.  I charged the device over night so that it was ready for use the next morning. 

When ordering from Japan wireless, I also typed in the name and address of my last hotel.  I placed the Pocket Wifi in the envelope provided by Japan Wireless and handed it to the front desk as I checked out.  The hotel returned the envelope, and I received an email confirming the return of the device to Japan Wireless.  The entire process was so easy!

Having Wifi everywhere we went opened up a whole new world of possibilities.  It gave us confidence in exploring the city and allowed us to use apps that would help guide our group through the train and subway system.  If we needed help, we could easily use our phone as a source of information.  Pocket Wifi To The Rescue!

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